First off, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who supported my campaign, be it volunteering, donating, endorsing and/or spreading the word.

Thank you to everyone who entrusted me with their vote, I will work everyday to be worthy of that trust.

And thank you to my slate mates Jason Arnold, Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher and Jennifer Chamberland for all the work you put in.

I was devastated after losing in 2021 and honestly wasn't sure if I was going to run again.

However, I picked myself up, put in the work and achieved victory last night.

The first Black woman elected to congress, Shirley Chisholm, famously said, "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."

Never stop fighting for your seat at the table.


Paid for by Lya Williams for JCSD